
2024-04-21 05:49


99自偷国偷产品一区_看一眼都忘不了,网友:真有这么好?糖心logo冉冉超级多的视频更新网友:好人有好报!日日骚精品国产_永久都能看?网友:还会不断更新视频!w永久939w79w79天美红桃:不卡全集播放视频9久9九9久九_免费公测:欢笑与挑战并存的视频網頁着呢 (zhe ne) - adjective+着呢: usually used for spoken Chinese. eg.山(mountain)高着呢。. verb+着呢:represent some status.他在房间里坐着呢。. He is sitting in the room.|It’s OK. Adjective add 着呢 using in the spoken has a little bit exaggerative meaning.|@-ceren- could be interpreted as very, but not means that in ...

網頁着呢 (zhe ne) - adjective+着呢: usually used for spoken Chinese. eg.山(mountain)高着呢。. verb+着呢:represent some status.他在房间里坐着呢。. He is sitting in the room.|It’s OK. Adjective add 着呢 using in the spoken has a little bit exaggerative meaning.|@-ceren- could be interpreted as very, but not means that in

網頁雨 正 下 着呢,他就出门了。(Yǔ zhèng xiàzhe ne, tā jiù chūmén le.) He went out while it was raining. 我 正 睡 着呢,电话就响了。(Wǒ zhèng shuìzhe ne, diànhuà jiù xiǎngle.) I was asleep when the phone rang. 我 在 听 着呢,你说。(Wǒ zài tīng zhe ne, nǐ

網 頁 yu zheng xia zhe ne , ta jiu chu men le 。 ( Y ǔ z h è n g x i à z h e n e , t ā j i ù c h ū m é n l e . ) H e w e n t o u t w h i l e i t w a s r a i n i n g . wo zheng shui zhe ne , dian hua jiu xiang le 。 ( W ǒ z h è n g s h u ì z h e n e , d i à n h u à j i ù x i ǎ n g l e . ) I w a s a s l e e p w h e n t h e p h o n e r a n g . wo zai ting zhe ne , ni shuo 。 ( W ǒ z à i t ī n g z h e n e , n ǐ


網頁着呢的解释:表示程度深。如:庙会热闹着呢。如:他画得可像着呢。词语分解着的解释 着 ó 穿(衣):穿着。穿红着绿。着装。 接触,挨上:着陆。附着。不着边际。 使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:着眼。着笔。着色。着,在线词典。

網頁The Chinese vocabulary comes at the end of the sentence to indicate a strong degree flashcard. Learn 着呢 meaning in Chinese, its Chinese pronunciation, Hanzi, and mnemonics to help you memorize this Chinese vocabulary.


網頁2020年10月12日 · KEY defines 着呢 as: 1 {colloquial} quite (intensifying particle following an adjective, e.g., yuǎnzhene 遠著呢/远着呢) 2 (following an action verb, stresses the action is ongoing [and unfinished]) ‖ (pronounced "zhine" in Beijing colloquial) So if you see 着呢 …

網頁Learn more about 着呢 Written Chinese Dictionary "着呢" Character Details Pinyin Yale Jyutping English Definition for Chinese Text zhe5 ne5 jau1, jau2, jeuk3, jeuk6 ne1, nei1, nei4, ni1 zau1, zau2, zoek3, zoek6 ne1, nei1, nei4, ni1 comes at the end of the


網頁It's still early. We should all just chill for a bit. 現在時間還早 着呢 ,還是不談這件事好。. It's still too early to talk about this now. 囡囡乖,走开。. 爸爸正忙 着呢 。. Be a good girl and run along. Daddy's busy. YellowTip is enabled in the first 2 sentences.

網頁三、结语. “着呢”作为现代汉语中常见的句末语气助词,主要功能 是强调肯定句中的句末形容词性成分,它所依附的形容词主要 是谓语形容词和动补语形容词, 也可以依附在能愿动词 (+ 动词) 后形容词和“着呢”连用在汉语中有时会造成歧义,既可表示

網頁劲strength; potency. The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 着呢 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 着呢 is (used to indicate high degree) very .